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‘I am artist painter by which nature is vital to spirit as tangible is sound movement of my emotional response to art, music and growth content journey to life ‘After over twenty years of working in the field of abstract painting, I find my inner voice in the poetry of water, earth light shadows, color. Reminiscent of the abstract field of painting of Mark Rothko and the action movement of Jackson Pollock. Somewhere in between as the ‘Sound of Movement and Repose’.


Ruth's works had been exhibited in Mexico, Palm Springs, West Hollywood, Atlanta Ga. Bibliography and Film Production Contributions: Art Tribe, West Hollywood Films "Think like a Man" | For Touchstone Pictures "Brothers and Sisters Series" | Winter/SpringPalm Springs Life ART and Culture Pride of Palm Desert/ Desert Magazine "Art Has Visual Payoff. Documentary of Ray Charles "Unchain My Heart" | Dustin Hoffman and Andy Garcia in "Confidance" | Angeleno Magazine, High Desert Style Palm Springs, CA | Art in america, Ruth Gonzales Paintings and Don O'melveny Gallery, Los Angeles, CA | March Artist Catalogue " Abstract Elegante" Don O'melveny Gallery, Los Angeles, CA.


ART SPACE 349 by Ruth Gonzales - a unique venue in the Desert that blends art and music in one solid sophisticated mysterious act. Attracting world famous musicians and artists from all over the world, this intimate gallery became a true escape for those hungering for real live performances in an unforgettable bohemian atmosphere.

Dedicated to creating memorable music experiences of the highest professional level, held in an intimate environment, the concerts hearken back to the traditional European salon recitals of XIX century, with an emphasis on bringing audiences 'up-close and personal' with the most renowned artists of today.

©2022-2025 Glissando. All rights reserved.

Glissando is a 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation. EIN 88-3096113.

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