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  • Preliminary Round - Online by video recordings. Application and video submission deadline - October 18, 2024, 11:59 PM (PST). The selected finalists will be announced on or before October 22, 2024. 

  • Final Round - November 16, 2024, 10 AM. Live auditions at the St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. Detailed schedule TBA. Competitors will perform on brand new Steinway & Sons grand piano.

  • Award Ceremony and Winners Recital - November 17, 2024, 7 PM. St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. 


ATTENTION: The First Prize and Grand Prize Winners of previous editions of the Glissando Competition (2020, 2023) are not allowed to participate in this year's Competition. 



  • Category A - 5-8* years old

  • Category B - 9-11* years old

  • Category C - 12-13* years old

  • Category D - 14-17* years old

       *As of November 16, 2024




  • Application Deadline for the Online Application - October 18, 2024, 11:59 PM (PST)

  • There is NO APPLICATION FEE for the Preliminary Round.

  • Application fees of $175 must be submitted ONLY by the Selected Finalists upon confirmation of their participation in the LIve Final Round - but no later than November 1, 2024. If the Selected Finalist fails to confirm his/her participation and submit Application Fee by the date, the place will be automatically reassigned the next best contestant. 

  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.

  • The competition does NOT provide practice opportunities or accommodation for any of the contestants. 

  • The awards, certificates and cash prizes will ONLY be distributed IN PERSON. No postal or online prize or certificate deliveries will be arranged.

  • All the decisions of the adjudicators are FINAL.

  • Jury reserves the right to:​

    • not to award any of the prizes

    • to share a prize between several contestants 

    • to stop any performance which exceeds posted time limits or does not meet professional standards

    • to disqualify any candidate who does not comply with any of Competition’s regulations, norms of social behavior, State of California and Federal Laws.




Please carefully review each requirement before submitting your video. 


  • Video must be recorded horizontally - if you are using a phone or tablet, please make sure you flip it on its side. Vertical screen recordings will be rejected.

  • Audio must be clear and without any environmental noises or distractions. 

  • No editing or enhancing of any kind is allowed for both video and audio. 

  • Please record only your playing, with neither talking nor announcing the pieces.

  • The program can be recorded in separate files / takes for each piece. Up to three links are allowed for submission in the Application Form.

  • Recordings should be a fair representation of Contestant’s abilities - keyboard, both hands, and face (profile) must be visible at all times.

  • Instrument requirements: grand piano or acoustic upright piano. No digital/electronic instruments are allowed. Piano must be fully functional and properly tuned.

  • Contestants must perform the entire program from memory.




  • Preliminary Round: Free choice of repertoire with minimum of two (2) solo compositions of contrasting styles selected from traditional piano repertoire are required for each age category.

  • Final Round: Free choice of repertoire with minimum of two (2) solo compositions of contrasting styles selected from traditional piano repertoire are required for each age category. Applicants CAN perform the same or different selection for the Preliminary and Final Rounds.

  • All compositions must be performed by memory during both Rounds.

  • No ensembles, two-piano works, or piano concertos are allowed.

  • No simplified or shortened versions of any compositions are allowed.

  • Participant do not have to provide sheet music for the Jury.

  • Repeats are not requred for larger sections (expositions of the sonatas and similar)

  • The posted time limit should be taken into consideration by the applicants when selecting the repertoire:

Category A: Time limit - 8 minutes maximum

Category B: Time limit - 11 minutes maximum​

Category C: Time limit - 14 minutes maximum

Category D: Time limit - 17 minutes maximum

  • The applicants whose live performance exceeds the posted time limit can be stopped by the jury.




The First, Second, and Third Places in each Age Category, Honorable Mentions, and Special Prizes to be distributed at the discretionary of the Jury 





Master-classes with Dr. Vladimir Khomyakov and Dr. Sergei Kuznetsov.


Glissando proudly presents this prestigious master-class series with Guest Artists from around the world. Students are invited to perform in the traditional master-class setting and receive feedback from internationally recognized pianists. “Bravo, Maestro!” provides the perfect opportunity for pianists preparing for competitions, university, and scholarship auditions to receive expert advice and feedback. 


Professional piano repertoire is expected. Duration of the performance is limited to 10-15 minutes. Memorization is required.


Glissando Master-Class Certificates will be awarded. 


Disclaimer: Glissando reserves the right to terminate the Competition, in whole or in part, and/or adjust, amend or suspend the Competition Rules in any way, at any time, for any reason without prior notice. All photos and videos taken during the Competition will exclusively belong to Glissando, and can be published and used for any promotional purposes.

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